Often when sports enthusiasts talk about numbers it is mostly in terms of statistics. Batting averages, completion percentages, field goal percentages, and so on. Sure, statistics give some indication on production - or lack their of - of athletes and teams, but are they really that important? Last I checked, America loves winners, and to me, the number one statistic isn't so much a number as it is a letter. Yeah, W. Now, don't mistake me for a win-at-all-cost guy, I believe that win or lose, there is nothing greater than the thrill of competition. However, it seems as though in today's world of sports, the desire for W's comes after % and $. That may seem a tad brash, and granted, I am not a professional athlete, therefore, most of my interpretation is, well, interpreted. But, with that said, I think the art of competition is lost. There's a reason athletes like Rafael Nadal, Tom Brady, Michael Vick, Ray Lewis, Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, Dirk Nowitzki, Derrick Rose, and Jered Weaver are amongst my favorite athletes to watch.
It's pretty simple; they
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