Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy 21st Birthday Berg

On this day (May 3) in 1991 the Berg was born.  I don't know how many pounds and ounces the guy was, all I knew was that I had a little brother.  And it's been boy-oh-boy ever since.

Berg sporting the White Sox uniform on the top left
With Berg turning 21 today I think it's an opportune time to give you some background on where the name "Berg" actually came from.  For those of you aren't fully aware of the name origin it all started back when we were kids.  During the days of summer it was standard for us to play out on the street and make trips to the community pool.  We would spend hours upon hours playing baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and any other sport we could think of until we got called in for dinner.

The house across the street from us had two boys roughly around the same age as Chase and I so competitive 2-on-2 games were conveniently arranged.  In our neighborhood also lived a couple of Anaheim Ducks hockey players.  Because of this, we were all into hockey.  We would play hockey with a tennis ball serving as our puck with one scorer and one goalie to a side.

I wasn't brave enough to get in front of the net but low and behold there's Berg gearing up between the pipes for his team.  I don't remember his full goalie attire but I do remember him using his Little League baseball glove as his goalie glove.  I want to say he wore a football helmet as his mask and who knows what he wore for padding, maybe couch pillows, I don't know.  Anyways, Chase became known throughout the neighborhood as the goalie.
Goldberg on the far right #33
Now, right about this time was the boom of the Disney Mighty Ducks films and as you may recall, Goldberg was a prominent character.  He was funny, he was chubby, and he was the team's goalie.  Goldberg embraced his role as the team's goalie as a call of duty. And the same went for Chase.  Chase embraced the role of goalie so much so that we nicknamed him Goldberg.  Over time, Goldberg became a mouthful and we got rid of the Gold but left the Berg, of course.

It's safe to say, the name stuck and here Berg is today as that same fun-loving kid with a constant smile on his face reminding us all that we are forever young.

Happy 21st Berg, cheers.
The Berg at his finest
I'm taking off, you take it easy.


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