In case you've been living under a rock and haven't heard about this video take a look. It's become a sensation all over YouTube and here's why...
1. The anticipation. For a second there you really thought big boy was going to slam it home. Little did we all know that the only thing he'd be slamming home was his face. Luckily for everyone though there was some protective padding there. Otherwise, big boy's face is broken, the Atlanta Hawks have a lawsuit on their hands, and this video goes from hilarious to hilarious and "did they really think he was going to dunk it?"
2. The disappointment. The poor guy just laid there face first on the canvas in utter sorrow and embarrassment. But, I gotta hand it to the big guy, he competed. All anyone can ask for is your best effort and he clearly displayed that even when the odds (and gravity) were strongly against him.
3. Let's be honest, fat people are funny. As offensive as that may sound there's just something about overweight people that makes anything they do more funny than if a skinny guy did it. No disrespect to those getting their daily calorie fill, you guys are just funny.
4. And lastly, my man R. Kelly with "I Believe I Can Fly" really comes through in the clutch. I don't think Warner Bros. will be calling the big fella any time soon to star in a new Space Jam movie like Michael Jordan did but R. Kelly will definitely get the call with his vocal abilities.
Anyways, get 'em next time big fella. Just remember, "it's not how hard you can hit, but how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward."
I'm taking off, you take it easy.
pretty darn clever